'Having a Serviceable Time'

What’re ya buyin’? What’re ya’ playin’?

Not the RE4 Remake demo, that’s for sure.

Jonathan Dunn enjoys returning to Dead Cells and its expansive, luxurious Castlevania inspired makeover.

Chris continues Harvestella, grinds his head against the rough surface of Monster Jam Crush It, and gets back into the Evercade in anticipation for receiving the new EXP handheld.



Massive thanks to our Patreon subscribers Andy Smith, Gene Limbrick, Debbie Booth, David Boys-Layton, Darren Hughes, Rob Wade, Ross Ewing, Roger Swan, The Giraffe, Thomas Duncan, Dominic Kemp, William Worthington and the gang at Chat of the Wild!

Reach out to us individually:
Jonathan - www.twitter.com/jonathandunn
Chris - www.twitter.com/Chas_Hodges

Support us either via Patreon or with a one off donation here.