Number 30 - The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, NiGHTS into Dreams…, Crackdown

Knowing me, the writer of this O3C episode blurb, knowing you, our humble listeners. Aha!

We've played a lot of games this week. Oh boy have we played a lot of games! Super Mario Maker 2! American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns! The NES de-make of Pacman Championship Edition! The Last of Us! God of War! Superliminal! Probably others!

Some very, very good games, and yet… AND YET… none of these games place on our collective lists!

Games that ARE reserved for list placement this week:

The dreamy, surreal, technical powerhouse that is The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening on the original Gameboy.

The dreamy, surreal, technical powerhouse that is the fever dream NiGHTS Into Dreams… on the much maligned Sega Saturn. 

And the GTA derivative Crackdown on the Xbox 360?

Three genuine 10/10 rippers. Take our triumvirate of words for it.