Number 18 - Pokémon Blue, Kentucky Route Zero, Wario Land 2

This week, the boys hit the ground running with motors purring:

Jonathan races through Mario's 3D ouevre at a rate of knots!
Minty sets our faithful plumber to one side to race through Xenoblade Chronicles!
Chris disappoints everyone by racing through Big Bobby Car: The Big Race!

Travelling back in time, let Jonathan tell the story of a trendsetting Christopher Dow (aged 11 years old) importing Pokémon and setting Jonathan on a lifetime journey with pocket monsters!

Pull out your Media Studies degree or your Theatre Studies thesis as Chris gets heavy detailing Kentucky Route Zero's postmodern approach to the framework of the adventure game!

Minty exalts Wario Land 2, the little handheld platformer that could, as a truly elevated experience!

According to our triumvirate, three of the very best games EVER made!!